CINI Strategic Directions 2022 2027 

Health and nutrition 

SD 1 Promoting maternal, new-born, child and sexual & reproductive health rights (SRHR) for a continuum of care for prevention of maternal and child morbidity, mortality, malnutrition

SD 2 Promoting adolescent rights and empowerment to nutrition and health including reproductive and sexual health and development

SD 3 Addressing evolving concern for non-communicable diseases (obesity, pre-diabetes, and hyper-tension) and communicable diseases (tuberculosis, post COVID and HIV linked with sexual reproductive health (SRH)) among mothers, children and adolescents in the communities, especially the vulnerable



SD 1 Strengthening the education and Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) systems to enhance enrolment, retention and quality education for vulnerable children, especially girls, through the involvement of duty-bearers (teachers, school authorities, local government institutions, parents and community members) and children

SD 2 Developing innovative evidence-based programme models for improving education outcomes and protection of vulnerable children and adolescents, especially girls, with the participation of communities and young people

SD 3 Strengthening government policy, programmes and systems in enhancing access to education by vulnerable

children, especially girls 


Child Protection

SD 1 Strengthening existing government child protection systems in preventing and responding to child rights

violations, maximising a preventive approach and minimising an institutional approach

SD 2 Preventing and responding to child protection violations to address violence against children (VAC) through

CINI Preventive Child Protection Model at primary, secondary and tertiary prevention levels


Adolescent Programming 

SD 1 Accelerating adolescent-led development through increased participation and empowerment

SD 2 Creating a family and community-based safety net engaging parents and other duty-bearers in service

provision and government

SD 3 Advocacy and networking to promote an adolescent empowerment programme model for replication and

scaling up


Child Friendly Communities 

SD 1 Consolidating and strengthening the CFC approach through existing CFC labs

SD 2 Ensuring application of the CINI Method/CFC approach across HNEPA sectoral intervention areas

SD 3 Promoting the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and child rights-based programming practice at the local level



SD 1 Developing the capacity of government functionaries from West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha, Assam and other north-eastern states to equip them with adequate knowledge and skills to deliver quality services to the community in the areas of nutrition; maternal, newborn, child health and development; and adolescent health, in addition to issues relating to non-communicable diseases (NCD), education and child protection

SD 2 Developing the capacity of NGOs, CBOs, technical agencies and academic institutions on issues relating to

health, nutrition, education and child protection with focus on gender, environment, digital safety and

prevention of sexual harassment (POSH) and other soft skills

SD 3 Providing need-based online and offline capacity building support to CINI staff to enhance the quality of

programming focusing on the CINI Method; health, nutrition, education and child protection programming;

training techniques; documentation; communication; operations and finance



SD 1 Establishing CINI branding

SD 2 Strengthening CINI’s digital presence to enhance its visibility and increasing utilisation of digital media as a tool of intervention

SD 3 Engaging effectively with media to communicate CINI achievements in enhancing outcomes for children and

adolescents in the areas of education, protection, health and nutrition



SD 1 Enhancing effectiveness of internal resource mobilisation

SD 2 Strengthening and expanding avenues for fundraising


Operations and Finance 

SD 1 System strengthening

SD 2 Investment strategy of corpus and other funds, and timely realisation of funds

SD 3 Up-gradation of IT infrastructure (hardware and software)

SD 4 Maintenance and renovation of assets and properties

SD 5 Revenue generation through new opportunities