The story behind the CINI Method

CINI's Child Centric Approach to Development : Creating Child Friendly Community

The CINI Method is a human rights-based approach (HRBA) to programming designed to turn children’s rights into development practice for and with children and adolescents. It is a comprehensive programmatic model designed on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda aiming at:
• Building Child-Friendly Communities (CFC) to engage immediate duty-bearers in implementing children’s rights in the local community through the application of the 7 CFC Building Blocks,
• Building Child-Friendly Systems responsible for fulfilling children’s rights at the community and higher levels to strengthen them in the areas of capacity development; technical assistance; evidence building; and networking, advocacy, and policy influencing, and
• Building Child-Friendly Organisations to equip government and non-government organizational structures to adopt rights-based approaches in programmes and operations at both field implementation and system strengthening levels.

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